Solace Event Feeds

The Solace Event Feeds site provides a curated set of feeds that make it easy to start publishing streams of events to a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. Each feed contains an example set of events representing a domain or use case, and many were generated directly from a design in PubSub+ Event Portal using the AsyncAPI doc.

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How to Contribute

1. Design your application on Event Portal

Have applications, publishing events, and schemas associated to every event

Download AsyncAPI Spec

2. Download the AsyncAPI Spec file for the target application

Download AsyncAPI Spec

3. Install the Solace TryMe cli tool (STM)


brew tap SolaceLabs/stm 
brew install stm

Linux (or WSL on Windows)

echo "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] stm main" /
| sudo tee  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/solace-stm-test.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stm

Visit the Solace TryMe CLI GitHub page for more information.

4. Generate your own feed

stm feed generate

5. Configure your own feed

stm feed configure

6. Run the feed locally

stm feed run -ui

7. Contribute the feed

stm feed contribute

Visit the Solace Community forum for more discussions.